2000 Butter Crunch Butterhead Lettuce Seeds

The Gardening World

  • $2.49
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Non-GMO Buttercrunch Lettuce (Lactuca sativa), is also called Butterhead Lettuce because of its buttery texture and delicious flavor. Can be grown in most zones but prefers cooler climates. Lettuce is rich in nutrients and easy to grow. Annual. 65 days. 6-12" height. 8-10" spacing.


Lettuce is a cool-season crop that grows well in the spring and in the fall in most regions. Lettuce seedlings will even tolerate a light frost. Temperatures between 45 F and 65 F are ideal. Garden lettuce is far superior, in both taste and vitamin A content, to supermarket brands. Because lettuce grows quickly, the best approach is to plant a small amount at a time, staggering your plantings.


Before you plant your lettuce seeds, make sure the soil is prepared. It should be loose and drain well so it’s moist without staying soggy. To keep the soil fertile, feed it with organic matter about one week before you seed or transplant. Since the seed is so small, a well-tilled seedbed is essential. Large clods will reduce germination.

Direct sowing is recommended as soon as the ground can be worked. Plant seeds ½ inch deep. Snow won’t hurt them, but a desiccating cold wind will.

If you want an earliest crop, however, you may start seeds indoors 4 to 6 weeks before last spring frost date for an earlier crop. Harden off seedlings for about one week, and transplant outside between 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after last spring frost.

Seed may be sown in single rows or broadcast for wide row planting. When broadcasting, you’ll need to “thin” for the proper spacing.

Leaf lettuce: Plant 4 inches apart.
Cos and loose-headed types: Plant 8 inches apart.
Firm-headed types: Plant 16 inches apart.

Your rows of plants should be 12 to 15 inches across.

Cover the seeds with ¼ to ½ inch of soil.

Water thoroughly at time of transplant.

Consider planting rows of chives or garlic between your lettuce to control aphids. They act as “barrier plants” for the lettuce.

All multiple orders of the same seed are put in the same bag. For example if you order 500 beefsteak tomato seeds x 3 then 1500 seeds will be put in the same bag. We do not send out 3 individual bags with 500 in each. This goes for all seeds unless they are listings of different seeds.


If you can’t find germinating and instructions online you can find them on the item page. Our goal is to save money everywhere we can so we can pass those savings on to you.

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